Saturday, 7 June 2014

Persiapan Lawas

Jadi ceritanya gw nemu teks ujian praktek Bahasa Inggris waktu SMA, karena sayang dilupakan begitu aja dan kenyataannya cuma ditanya 1 pas ujian, saya tuangkan disini ya :D 
Dan maap kalo banyak salah grammar x)

Pertanyaan : Mau nikah umur berapa?

a. I prefer to get married at 28 years old because I think that I will be ready mentally and financially to marry to someone. If I go through university life in 4 years graduate from my university and work to earn money. I will get my bachelor degree at 22 years old. During the six year before my marriage, I will work hard & help my parents in their old days.

 Besides, there’s one dream that I want to achieve before I start a family. I want to be a movie director. I also want to increase my savings before I become a wife and a mom. So, in the future, my children will have anything they need. I also want to use my time before marriage to join some classes, like cooking class. I will enjoy my bachelor moment very well, so I can have my own me time and make myself  happy with my own money and to explore myself more deeply.

I want to be an independent woman first before I get married so I can be more mature to built a family. There’s so much thing I want to do because I get married because after I get married I will have my own duty, as a loyal daughter for my parents, as a wife for my husband, and as a mom for my children

 b.Mau punya perkerjaan apa di masa depan?

Occupation I want to have in the future must be relate with creativity. Because I’m addicted to creativity,and  I have a weakness in calculating or everything that relates to accuracy.
I will really enjoy my job as long as it’s about create something from my own mind. That’s why I have a plan to be a movie director. It should be fun if I can coordinate my project between actor/actress, lighting team, make up artist, and another team to create a movie that people can aprreciate. Because for me it will be so proud moment if my project can give many good impacts to other people.
Work in movie industry means I can move around and not stay only at office, maybe if I meet a new place I can get another new movie inspirationBeside my movie project, I still want to have a job by working at the digital planning office.  Because by being an employee i willl get a constant salary. I will enjoy my job more in an area that needs an imagination.

c. The coolest birthday party I want to have :

If I have an unlimited money, my birthday will be held at my 20 years old. My birthday is the next day after the first day of new year, it  is 2nd January. Because the new years atmosphere are still there, I will use many fireworks. My birthday party will be located in Jakarta at the Ballroom of Ritz Carlton Hotel. The party will be held from 6 pm until 2 am because I think my friends that come to my party already mature enough so it won’t be a serious problem if they come home at late night.
I will spread the invitation to my senior high school friend first so we can also have a reunion.After that, Coldplay are also invited to come and sing at my party. My guest will eat Japanese food for main course, because Japanese food is healthy and elegant for me. and Western food as the dessert. Such as maccaroons, fondue, cupcakes, and waffle.  Because I love a show, my coolest birthday part will also have a litlle orchestra that playing a classic song. I will enjoy every second of my birthday party because it will be so cool and I can enjoy that with my lovely family and friends.

d. Perfect husband in the future?

In the future, my perfect husband will be a hardworker person and a gentle man, because maybe when we built our family together, sometimes there are times when life can be a hard thing to face, for example financial problem. I want to have a  husband that even we are in the hard progress he will still give the best for my family and will not run from the problem.
He should be humble because some people can change into an arrogant person after they get rich or successful. A humble person never forget his past that make him the person today. He doesn’t need to be arrogant after he gets some achievement and will still be himself and care about me whatever change may be. He must be a patient and not being an short-tempered person just because a simple thing, like  doesn’t want to stand in line for me, or get angry just because get lost in a street. He should be able to cook so when I’m not around my children still can taste the homey food.
I want to have a husband that still can give me a litlle smile even when I know his job makes him tired. I want to have a husband that can receive me whatever I am, with my weakness and my strength. 

e. Dream house

My dream house concept is minimalist, full of wooden furniture because hardwood tree (kayu jati) is stronger and more comfortable than any other materials. I want to have a fish pond too so It can make a peaceful water ripple sound in my house.
My house will have 2 stairs, the first floor is for my family activities and second floor is more for private room. I want to have a 2 in 1 house, another house is my parent’s house that connected to my house so when they need any help I’ll be there.
My dream house should have many windows so I can minimalize the using of lamp and air conditioner so i will pay less for electricity bill. Therefore, my house should be located far from the source of polution.
My dream house has a little dog park, because I’m a dog lover, i also want to have a small library in my house contains every book we need so when my family needs an inspiration they can go there and refresh their mind with many useful information. In dining room I’ll put an ice cream maker so my family can enjoy ice cream while we have a chit chat in the living room. 

f. Outer beuaty or inner beauty?

f. To my mind, inner beauty is more important than outer beauty, because some of those reasons.First, I believe inner beauty is more unique than physical beauty. Because in our life, we can see that’s some people who lack of physical beauty are happier & have more people who like them. Despite their physical beauty, they can be attractive without depending due their physical appearance. This personality things are sprecial for anyone, although they are not handsome or beautiful.
Second, inner beauty can be owned by anyone. Remember that not everypne was born with physical beauty, so I can say that with some effort, everyone can have this inner beauty.
Third, because it needs some effforts to have such inner beauty, I appreciate it more than outer beauty that already given by God. Finally, although outer beauty is a gift from God, inner beauty last longer even when we get old. As long as we appreciate it.

g. Dancing or singing?

g. I prefer dancing because since I in 2nd grade in Senior high school i admire an vietnamese dancer named Matthew Nguyen, his stage name is Dumbo. He’s a dancer from Poreotics. Because of him, I’d like to browsing dancing videos in Youtube and become interested in dancing.
I love attraction, so automatically dancing will be more atrractive for me. I’d rather watch people dancing because I can easily get bored when I only look people sit, singing, and don’t do anything like dancing. When I was 9 years old, I joined dance course, even I didn’t continue my course, but because of that course I can express my feeling well by doing something when I listen to music .
Dance also can make our body looks great physically. For me, dancing  is need more power, creativity, and confidence, that’s why I appreciate people who can dance more than the people who can sing.

h. Western Artist or Korean Artist? 

h. I like western artist better than korean artist because western people are better in quality when they produce artwork. For example, movie like titanic, les miserables, and avatar shown greater quality than the best of korean movies. Another reason is I find western movies &musics are more diverse.
I listen to many western musics such as Coldplay, skrillex, christina aquilera and I feel that western musics from Britain, Germany, and Spanish are so different each other. Even American music explore many types of music, while korean music is often chessy and poppy. That’s why they are boring.
Finally I can say that western art & artist are far more popular globally than all korean artist. It is clear that western people start spread their entertainment culture long time before Korean. So I think Korean artist inspired by western artist.

i. Elegant Gown or Casual Gown?

i.I prefer an elegant gown to go to a party because : Party is a special day, that will not held everyday. Why not if I give my best look on that day by wearing elegant gown. In my vision, people who wear elegant gown will adapt between what they wear and how their behaviour or attitude. It’s weird if a woman wear an elegant gown but she laugh laugh loudly without close her mouth with her hand, or even burp in front of some people.
Also, if wear an elegant gown, automatically they want to look beautiful from head to toe, and it’s a cute moment.. It will be a special moment when they took a photos because this moment is rare. If I become the person who held the party, by seeing people wearing a formal dress I can conclude that they are intend to come to my party so automatically it shown how  their desire . Also, in a man eyes, woman who wears a dress looks more beautiful and elegant, some people want to looks nice in every people eyes, I’m kind of that people toO so if I want to look nice in some event, especially formal event I will wear an elegant gown 

j.Favorite Book?

j.My favorite book is Chicken soup for teenager soul, this book writen by Kimberly Kirberger.Actually I don’t really like reading, but when I was in my first year of senior high school  I went to school library and accidentally found this book. At first, I tought that it was a serious book judged from its cover, but when I start to read it, it’s not a boring book at all. Because it contains many stories from different writers that give motivation.      From the stories, I can feel the writer’s feeling, because this book based on true story. I can relate my self with their stories. Example : there’s a teenagers who got an accident and in that book she explain how she struggle through her journey even when her condition were not supporting. It gives inspiration for me as teenager. Besides, I don’t really enjoy teenlit or fiction drama novels, because teenlit novels sometimes have a silly ending, even I can guess what will happen next. In true story novel like chicken soup, because it’s related to people life, sometimes the ending is unpredictable . A true story last longer in my mind, it Is amazing to know other people’s life, how they face their problems and keep movin on. From this kind of book, I can learn that life has its ups and downs, but we have to  keep  struggling and learning from that. like some people said : “ we are special not only because of who we are, but because we have other people in our lifes”. This kind of book will inspire many people, not just teenager, to see the world from positive side. 

Dann....sebentar lagi uas semester dua dan halo semester 3 :')

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