Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
( first, let me start to learn writing in English, jadi maap kalo banyaak sekali salah grammar, I'm working on it!)
1 year ago, I was really happy because even I couldn't prepare anything for Valentine's Day, (because there was economic test for national exam preparation), but I still celebrated that special day with my friends in Dormitory. :)
2 years ago, I made chocolatte balls from regal biscuits to my friends :)
Which is different from now, hehe.
2 years ago, I made chocolatte balls from regal biscuits to my friends :)
Which is different from now, hehe.
Ah how I miss to live in dormitory again.
Every people have their own love story, either that story brings to a happy or sad ending, so because this is my blog, I'm gonna tell everything that popped up in my mind about love.
In my nineteen experience in life, I surrounded by many kind of love stories that even I haven't experience that myself.
Like what I said in "Short Confession" post, I need to tell him that I've love him for almost 4 years, I need to let him go, so I can move on with my own love story. Even the fact is, moving on is really really hard thing to do. Salute for my friends who already moving on from their ex boyfriend/girlfriend. Because right now I am trying so hard to moving on from my crush -_- padahal belom juga diapa-apain.
So, yaa since I started my campus life, I chose one "lucky" man to be my crush. hehe.
There was a time when I felt sooo in love and talking to myself, "he's the one!"
There was a time before I sleep, I'm thinking about him, when he didn't think of me.
But the advantage to being in love story was, you can keep that sweet or sour of love flavour as part of your life, isn't it?
Kisah cinta yang menurut gw
paling menginspirasi itu kisahnya Bu Arya, guru Bahasa Indonesia di Stece ,yang
menceritakan betapa indah dan romantisnya perjalanan cinta Bu Arya sama pasangannya bahkan
sampai 7 tahun tapi akhirnya.....selesai.
Tapi sekarang, Bu Arya sudah membina rumah tangga bersama suaminya :) Congrats Bu!
Tapi sekarang, Bu Arya sudah membina rumah tangga bersama suaminya :) Congrats Bu!
And that time I realize, the person who will be our mate is very mysterious, we can't guess that,
Ada yang mantannya sampe 20.
Ada yang LDR tapi tetap awet meskipun dibumbuin sama drama.
Ada yang LDR tapi tetap awet meskipun dibumbuin sama drama.
Ada yang pacaran baik-baik,
putusnya ngga baik-baik.
Ada yang pacaran baik-baik,
putusnya juga baik-baik.
Ada yang setelah putus, eh malah
si cowo jadian sama temen cewenya.
Ada yang udah pdkt berbulan-bulan,
tapi gak berujung sampai pacaran.
As a girl who never experienced dating in her life, wajar kalo pernah gw berandai-andai siapa sih orang
yang bakal gw pacarin pertama kali.
Even during semester break holiday, I asked Laras how kissing feels like HAHAHAHA....HA.
Even during semester break holiday, I asked Laras how kissing feels like HAHAHAHA....HA.
Ada kalanya gw ngebet banget
pingin punya pacar sanking penasaran kayak gimana sih rasanya,
Tapi akhir-akhir ini gw malah
takut buat ngadepin fase pacaran itu, dan rasanya mending pacaran sekali aja
sampe menikah nanti.
Because fall in love means sometimes
we will get trapped too.
One day, pas lagi galau-galaunya gitu, I asked my mom,
“If we were not belong to build a
relationship together, why I often meet him even at random times?”
And she answered,
“God let you to see his face often so you can be strong, doesn’t mean everytime you met him then you and him are belong to be
Butuh waktu yang lama sampe gw bisa mencerna maksudnya,
Dan tiap gw ngeyakinin harus move on harus move on eeh ketemuuu aja di kampus.
Kampreee*tt -_____-
Kenapa gw males ketemu sama dia di kampus, karena sekalinya ketemu.
Kepikirannya gabisa ilang-ilang cooy HAHAHAHA
Labil banget ya postingan gw yang satu ini, hahaha namanya juga lagi ngalamin cinta *tarakdungcess*
Padahal jadian aja kaga pernah, pake move on-move on segala -_-
Butuh waktu yang lama sampe gw bisa mencerna maksudnya,
Dan tiap gw ngeyakinin harus move on harus move on eeh ketemuuu aja di kampus.
Kampreee*tt -_____-
Kenapa gw males ketemu sama dia di kampus, karena sekalinya ketemu.
Kepikirannya gabisa ilang-ilang cooy HAHAHAHA
Labil banget ya postingan gw yang satu ini, hahaha namanya juga lagi ngalamin cinta *tarakdungcess*
Padahal jadian aja kaga pernah, pake move on-move on segala -_-
Ada orang yang bilang, seharusnya Valentine gak usah
diadain, karena mencintai gak perlu pakai tanggal,
But I think, let Valentine's Day be the special red-pinky day, and a “warning” that we should be thankful that in Valentine’s Day, we still have someone to love for, be thankful for their appearance in our life.
But I think, let Valentine's Day be the special red-pinky day, and a “warning” that we should be thankful that in Valentine’s Day, we still have someone to love for, be thankful for their appearance in our life.
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